The Committee consists of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and at least three other members elected annually at the AGM. They meet formally at least twice a year but conduct the day to day business of the Association by phone and email. The Committee is the first point of contact if members wish to have input to the running of their Association. Members are encouraged to contact any Committee member using the contacts listed in their membership booklets or via the addresses listed on the contacts page.
Deb Evans
Deb has been a pilot for 40 years and owner of an Airtourer 115 IOF with her husband Rick for 30 years. She is active in the Australian Women Pilots' Association and has served as its President in the past.
Vice President
Doug Gould
Doug has been a pilot for over 45 years and owner of a Seneca II and Airtourer 160 CTM. He holds a CPL, with MECIR. He has significant board experience and owns a vehicle testing business.
Angela Stevenson

John O'Halloran
John has been on the committee since 1998 serving as Secretary from 1998 to 2013. He returned to the secretary position in 2021.
Stuart Hilsberg
Tony Self
Tony is a Technical Writer and web consultant who owns Airtourer T6 FVV